
Towards a digitized and sustainable maritime future

Discover how the BeyondSea project is transforming maritime transport through digitalization and advanced technologies.

Smart Visual Data: Transformando la gestión de datos en tiempo real

Zeus Talks 1: We talk with Amparo about Smart Visual Data

We interview Amparo García, CEO of Zeus by LLYC, in our Zeus Talks series. Check it out in our web and discover how important is data.

Cómo el análisis de datos transformó eventos históricos y culturales en la pantalla grande

Unlock the power of your data: its importance through cinema

Data visualization has transformed the world through iconic films spanning from World War II to the digital age.

data storytelling

Data Storytelling: the magic of telling stories with data

Data Storytelling combines different forms of data visualization to tell stories in an engaging way. How does your company do it?

IA generativa y visualización de datos

How does generative AI help in data visualization?

What is the role of generative AI in data visualization? How to go from a large volume of data to a visual dashboard – find out!

Qué es un smart kpi y cómo visualizarlo en un dashboard

What is a SMART KPI and how to visualize it in a dashboard

How important it is to define a smart kpi and how to visualize it on a dashboard to empower teams and improve strategy.

Big Data en las empresas, cómo visualizar los datos

Big Data in business: how to visualize data

How Big Data in business drives decision making. Explore the power of data visualization and turn data into insights.

Organización Big Data y Lego

Big data and Lego: building the data block by block

Big data and Lego have more in common than it seems. How to build stories block by block and what tips to follow.

qué es Business Intelligence

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence is the ability of companies to give value to data and turn it into information. Having data is having power.

qué es un dashboard

What is a dashboard: a complete guide

What is a dashboard. Find out how this visual tool helps you make informed decisions and what it must have to be effective.

Examples of dashboards in companies

Dashboard examples: transforming data into action

Discover the different examples of dashboards. Practical examples of commercial, logistic, marketing, etc. dashboard types.

mejores prácticas de visualizacion de datos

Best data visualization practices and analysis

Discovering the best data visualization practices: from chart selection to effective colour use. How to visualize data?


Agrotech and the importance of data in agriculture

Agrotech technology has become a benchmark of opportunities for rural development thanks to the power of data.

qué es la visualización de datos

Guide to data visualization: what it is and practical examples

Discover this unique guide to data visualization. What is it and examples of use in dashboards: graphs, heat maps, etc.

Automotion article

Boosting the future of mobility

Digitalisation has burst into the world of electromobility as a fundamental factor for a successful electric transition.